11 JUN 2018

Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle Appointed Assistant Professor of Painting

The UC Berkeley Department of Art Practice is excited to announce that internationally recognized artist Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle will join its faculty as Assistant Professor of Painting in Fall 2018. >more

Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, Assistant Professor of Painting, UC Berkeley Department of Art Practice
Image Credit: Jake Michaels for The New York Times
Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, The Evanesced: The Retrieval #101, 2018. India Ink on Dura-Lar.

Recently on view at The San Francisco Arts Commission and the California African American Museum, Hinkle’s ongoing series of work The Evanesced (2016-) is an expansive series of loosely rendered figurative drawings and paintings – semi-abstract “unportraits” that call attention to the erasure of the thousands of black women who disappear every year due to colonialism, human trafficking, homicides, and other forms of erasure. The series also has a suite of performances. Hinkle asks, “How can we retrieve people? How can we retrieve ourselves and make ourselves instruments of change? … I’m not interested in defining what my art is. I’m interested in what it has the power to do.”

The Kentifirica Project (2012-) is an ongoing interactive installation in which Hinkle researches combination of the geographies of her ancestral lands of Kentucky and parts of West Africa. A 2018 Wanlass Artist In Residency at Occidental College saw Hinkle “re-creating artifacts and sharing narratives and customs from her research archives … reconstructing a Kentifrican identity that invites a critical engagement with the intersections of collective vs. personal and authority in relationship to knowledge production.” >less

9 JUN 2018

Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis.

Department of Art Practice
University of California, Berkeley
347 Kroeber Hall
Berkeley, CA

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